Wheel of Life



  • 1 – Take your Wheel of Life page out.


  • 2 – Observe all areas of the wheel.


  • 3 – Go through each portion of the Wheel – pie and on a scale from 1 to 10, rate how you feel in that specific moment. A 10 feeling great and 1 being the opposite (not great).


  • 4 – Once you have completed rating yourself, then choose the one area in that moment that seems like a priority.


  • 5 – With the area that you have chosen to work on; simply do one small thing that may create a shift for you. Refer to your handout with the 10 top tools for managing stress. Don’t get hung up on trying to change everything at once.


  • 6 – Observe the other areas of the pie that are working for you. Keep your stress in perspective and know that there are parts of your life that are not as overwhelming.


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