Some of the services we offer:
Tools for all Teens provides young people with lifelong self-empowerment tools offering customized workshops, individual counselling, life coaching and teacher training. We provide young people with the tools they need to manage stress through yoga, mindfulness practices, and journaling. T4AT introduces students to many different approaches and techniques for calming the mind and body. Please visit our “tools” page for some great examples.
Mindfulness in Precarious Times – Series 2
A gentle approach to navigating ourselves through the precarious times we are living in. The first series gave us the opportunity to provide a number of dedicated individuals with the mindfulness tools needed to make everyday challenges a little less challenging. We are thrilled to be offering a second series. We welcome everyone to join!
For more information click HERE
NEW! Generation Talks
A platform that is open to everyone. This is an opportunity to learn wellness strategies while co-creating together on the prevailing issues of the universe.
For more information click HERE
NEW! Covid Coaching
We are offering individual and group sessions to personally coach you through these challenging times. We offer a safe space to explore different mindfulness techniques that can help get you gain control over your life in an out-of-control world. The techniques we explore will be tailored towards your specific needs and worries.
For more information click HERE
City Retreats:
Tools for All Teens is happy to announce a new corporate branch to the company called “City Retreats”. This is an opportunity to promote, enhance and introduce wellness workshops to the corporate world.
Click HERE to learn more about our newest service!
Customized Workshops:
T4AT offers customized workshops at schools, sports teams as well as individual venues. Some examples of our workshops are: Full 60-70 minute workshops, including yoga, mindfulness and journaling strategies; yoga for anxiety; mini mindfulness workshops; teacher wellness workshops, bringing more mindfulness into the classroom, promoting school-wide wellness, yoga for young people, yoga and mindful walking in nature.
Individual Counselling:
The same principles and tools are applied in the 1:1 counselling. This could benefit someone who experiences social anxiety or is not ready or wanting to work within a group setting, but is interested in learning these tools for managing stress in a private and safe space.
Life Coaching:
Both group and 1:1 coaching is offered. This practice is designed to give an individual guidance on the benefits of setting intentions and creating personal goals. This helps create self-empowerment giving them the tools they need to get from where they are now to where they want to be.
Teacher Training:
Tools For All provides teacher training giving educators & coaches the tools they need to help overwhelmed students/athletes the strategies they need to learn and flourish in todays complicated world. Teacher training is offered in a customized workshop setting.Included in these workshops is a wonderful resource package with several exercises and strategies for wellness they can share with their students.