Setting Intentions

“Intentions compressed into words enfold magical power.”

(Deepak Chopra)


Creating intentions: Setting an intention means asking yourself: what do you want or wish to happen in your life right now? Answering this question can help create more clarity and awareness. An intention is simply a seed to potentiality. Daily intentions do not always need to be written down. Simply thinking of an intention or desire is enough to plant the seed.

Some examples of intentions:

  • To listen and pause before I react.
  • To go with the flow.
  • To not take things so personally.
  • To read more and spend less time on social media.
  • To explore something, I’ve never seen before.
  • To eat healthy today.
  • To exercise a minimum of 30 minutes per day.
  • To complete homework with only the necessary technology, free of social media.
  • To complete homework as soon as I get home from school.

Woman meditating on dockReflecting on intentions: To process, ponder, or contemplate a desire, dream or simple intention for daily living. Two great ways to reflect daily on your intentions are to have 2 minutes of quiet contemplation or writing in a journal. An open conversation sharing with others is another wonderful strategy.


Other ideas to get you started:

  • Buy a journal to record your intentions.
  • Share your intentions with a friend.  This can serve as inspiration and reflection.
  • Set a consistent time during the day to check in on your intention.  This can be driving home from school, before going to bed, or while eating breakfast.