Step outside and pause

SOAP – Step Outside and Pause


Far too often these days we are immersed in technology – this is not just a student dilemma my friends. This is a virus that has hit us all but in different strands. Often we judge the young when really we are outside on our decks plugged in ( myself included! ) surfing the web, face-booking false news , viewing fake happy lives not connecting with people we love. social media icons on phoneThe same holds true for the young, but they are using a different modality of technology : snap chat, face time and Instagram . Apparently the face time modality is passé with the younger ones! We say this is the norm and future, but is it really? And why should it be? Don’t we need a break? Anxiety and depression are on the rise so something isn’t right?! Wayyyyyy back when , we were raised to go outside and play ( find your game , find you friends – no play days, no micro managing ) . Remember!

The goal of this article is to invite the readers ( 5-70 plus ) – to dedicate 15 minutes to an half hour every day and practice “SOAP” acronym ( STEP OUTSIDE AND PAUSE)  without a phone without technology . Sit and breathe , go for a walk , run in silence without being plugged in and notice how you feel – maybe bring a journal and reflect.

Technology is part of our routine – try to shake it up and take a break. A dear friend of mine takes herself off technology every night at 8:00 pm .

….over and now outside – do not reply.